The first electric train passed through the restored metro tunnel between "Lybidska" and "Demiivska" stations

The completion of the construction was inspected by the founder of Autostrada Maksym Shkil. The new monolithic tunnel is ready.Inside, new rail tracks were laid on vibration-isolating block supports, and communications, which were moved during the period of repair work, were restored. These are engineering networks that ensure the operation of the metro - train movement, electrification, communication and signaling.Now the relevant services continue testing the tunnel. The first electric train, the launch of which took place from August 30 to 31, is equipped with a gauge car. It is equipped with sensors for measuring the condition of the rail track - its evenness, correctness of laying, deviation from the axis, distance between the rails, etc. Last night, a commercial train with an overall frame ran through the tunnel, which tested the dimensions of the tunnel at different speeds. These tests were successful! In the near future, with the help of test trains, the operation of the SCB will also be checked - a complex of technical means that are responsible for the safety of train traffic, increase the throughput capacity of tracks and stations, and exclude manual operations. With the help of SCB devices, automatic monitoring of the condition of tunnel sections is carried out in order to transmit all information to the subway workers. After the test runs have been successfully completed and the operation of all systems has been checked, trains with passengers will be able to move through the tunnel.Backfilling of the pit continues above the tunnel. At the same time, we are working on the improvement of the territory.It is important that at the time of the conclusion of the contract between Autostrada and the Kyiv Metro on the restoration of the crossing tunnel of the Obolonsko-Teremkivska branch of the metro, the declared cost of the works was UAH 445.49 million. But we managed to significantly save state funds and reduce the cost of the project by almost 20% - thanks to more rational technologies of work performance and optimization of project solutions. For now, we can say that the major repair of the tunnel at the "Demiivska" metro station will cost Kyiv about UAH 370 million. Understanding the social responsibility for the realization of this object, our specialists worked 24/7 to complete the construction on time.