We carry out chemical consolidation of soils in the emergency section of the metro tunnel between the "Lybidska" and "Demiivska" stations

This process takes place inside the tunnel in several stages. In order to stabilize water-saturated soils, a special chemical agent - a two-component polymer - is injected under pressure into the soil through the frame of the tunnel. This tool displaces water, increases the shear strength of the soil and supports its structure. In this way, the water-saturated soil binds, compacts, and a so-called "collar" is formed. After the introduction of the polymer, the soil is fixed with microcement, which will also be injected into the soil by injection. Microdispersed cement consolidates water-saturated soil, i.e. reduces the amount of water in it, increases the bearing capacity of the soil. The composition of microcement includes accelerators and hardeners, which help the product to work more effectively in problematic soils.
Outside, above the tunnel, Autostrada construction workers are working on the development of the pit. The first and second tiers of belts and braces for fastening the pit have already been arranged. Currently, preparations are underway for the installation of the third tier of fastening, which will also begin after the chemical fixing of the soil.