130 km of roads were repaired in Vinnytsia region

In Ukraine, in 2018, 3,5 thousand km of roads were repaired. Of them 130 km were on the routes M-12 and M-21 within Vinnytsia. This was reported by Igor Korolchuk on the eve of a holiday – “The motorist and road user's day”. Igor Korolchuk Is the head of the Motor Road Service of Ukraine in the Vinnytsia region. Also, according to Igor, the Service has provided surface and patch repair of another 600 thousand square meters of local roads.
One-quarter of the repair of highways of international importance this year was performed by the joint Ukrainian-German enterprise Autostrada. The company has repaired and expanded 396,000 square meters of the M-12 highway in the directions: Lukashivka-Petryk, Vinnytsia-Komariv, and Nemyriv-Karolina. On these sections the road width is extended by 4 meters which brings the total width here to 12 meters.
This is not the only feature of the repaired roads. During the repair by the Autostrada, the method of cold recycling and regeneration was used for the first time in Vinnytsia region.
"The old road surface was completely removed with the help of cutters. A fresh asphalt mix, cement and emulsion were added to it. This regenerating layer was paved with special machines at a 15 cm thickness. On top of that 2 layers of asphalt concrete, a levelling layer of 7 cm thickness and the top layer of crushed stone mastic asphalt of 5 cm thickness was placed. Such technology was never used in Vinnytsia before, "- said director of LLC" JV "Autostrada" Anatoly Vakar.
According to the head of the company, under the conditions of weight control, renovated sections of the M-12 route will last 10 years.
At the moment, the main repairs on the M-12 route by LLC JV Autostrada are completed: the road cover was repaired, security islands were installed, new road markings and noise stripes were applied. Now, as long as the weather allows, the company's employees are able to continue the work on the roadside: to level, to install barrier fences, etc.
It should be noted that this year Autostrada has significantly increased the volume of work compared with last year. Also, the company plans to double its own production capacity.
The number of staff is gradually increasing. Today, the company employs 250 people. And given the prospect of capacity expansion, next year this figure will double. These are new jobs and career opportunities for Ukrainian youth.