JV "Autostrada" laid the first 3 km of the bottom layer of coating on the Nemyriv exit. The work is ongoing

LLC JV " Autostrada" continues to repair the road surface of the M-12 route at the Nemyriv exit. The first 3 kilometres of the route on both sides are already covered with a bottom layer of asphalt. The construction workers continue to repair the next 3-kilometre section. This will also be covered with a bottom layer of asphalt. Only after that will both repaired sections be covered with a top coating and road markings. The final work on the road section from Nemyriv to Ozero is planned to be completed by the beginning of the new school year.
The main feature of the repair - the multilayer and the thickness of the road surface. After completing the work, the thickness of the coating will have been increased by 20 centimetres. Also, the roadway will be 4 meters wider and safer. Curbs, lighting systems and sidewalks will be installed in adjacent areas.
"At the exit from Nemyriv, work began about one month ago. The first thing that was done is the design expansion of the roadway of 2 meters on each side. As some of you may know, this actually implies the construction of a new road. On the sides, there is a deepening of 70 centimetres and there are 7 different layers. These are bedding, crushed stone, grid and asphalt. They are necessary to ensure the reliability and durability of the service of the new section of the route. Also, within Nemyriv city limits, we have established curbs and continue to do sidewalks and a lighting system, "- says Anatoly Vakar, Director of Autostrada LLC.
“Of course, road work partially limits the flow of traffic, because only half of the roadway is available for vehicles. The other half is blocked by machines while the expansion is carried out. The old coating is removed, and three new layers (of recycling mix and asphalt) are put into its place. That is why the road repaired by Autostrada is 20 centimetres thicker”- says Oleg Hnatyuk, head of work, and adds that the work continues according to the schedule.
Areas, where road work is ongoing, are separated from the traffic according to all requirements. Entry and exit warning signs are established. There are signal pillars with reflecting strips all along the construction area evenly established every 10 meters, to help the drivers navigate clearly at night. For those who do not respond to stationary restrictions, there are also moving signal flags. They are mounted on all the pillars, as well as on each unit of road construction machinery.
All Autostrada workers wear special clothing with reflective stripes and signal waistcoats. The fact that road work is going on is visible from far off. This is very important because the volume of traffic on the M-12 highway is heavy – on average of 10 vehicles per minute. In an hour that is about 600 vehicles. However, as the repairers themselves emphasize, drivers perceive the temporary difficulties of road traffic with understanding. In a few weeks, there will be a high-quality road. So the discomfort will have been worth enduring.
"It will be almost like a rally track," smiles Igor, driver of a green Daewoo Lanos. “I did not even dream that we would be so lucky as to drive from Nemyriv to Haisyn on such a good road. Now I can even take a new car because I know that on the road like this the discs won’t be bent and none of the wheels lost.”