Avtostrada received two national awards "Company of the Year 2020" and "Consumer Choice 2020"!

Every year, the Ukrainian Industry Analytical Center (UIAC) nominates among the representatives of small and medium enterprises reliable companies that make a significant contribution to the country's economic development.
According to the expert analysis, UIAC has included the AUTOSTRADA Group of Companies to the National Register of Reliable and Investment-Attractive Enterprises of Ukraine and honored with the "Company of the Year 2020" award. Besides, for the third year in a row, AUTOSTRADA received the national award "Consumer Choice." Analysts of the Center note that these awards' nomination confirms the Company's achievements in doing business and its leadership in the industry. Indeed, 2020 has become an exceptionally dynamic year for AUTOSTRADA: we have expanded the geography of road construction works, increased the number of employees and the fleet of specialized equipment, and invested ca. $ 100 million in new capacities.
These awards also confirm that the AUTOSTRADA Group of Companies is a reliable partner and employer that provides high-quality services in the road construction industry. We are grateful for the high appreciation of independent experts and will continue to adhere to the principles of transparency in all aspects of our work. The National Register of Reliable and Investment-Attractive Enterprises of Ukraine aims to create a database of the best national producers, industry leaders, and other reliable companies.
To see the results of the analytics and the register, please visit ukr-centr.com.ua.