Autostrada installed the first in Ukraine electronic information board, powered by alternative energy sources

Autostrada installed an electronic informational board on the border of Kyiv and Cherkasy regions - on the highway H-08. The board is powered by solar panels - this is a pilot project installed in Ukraine for the first time. It is also the first electronic informational board in Cherkasy region.
Information will be displayed on the board from Ukravtodor. Special software has been developed for this purpose. This allows dispatchers in a matter of seconds to inform road users about restrictions on traffic ahead: in the case of repairs, accidents, dangerous weather events (ice and snow drifts in winter); restriction of movement of heavy oversized transport; reduced visibility ahead due to fog in summer. The interactive board allows you to display any graphic and textual information, which significantly improves its perception by drivers.
The image quality board is not inferior to similar analogues, but it requires 7 times less energy to function. The use of energy-saving technologies allows you to use solar energy instead of conventional.
The board was manufactured by the Austrian company SWARCO, which is a world leader in this field.
In the future, we plan to pay even more attention to environmental projects using alternative energy sources and develop barriers on the roads (for example, to set up battery charging points, arrange places for drivers to rest with lighting, etc.).
In two years, Autostrada restored more than 40 km of the H-08 highway in Cherkasy region. During the repairs, a number of infrastructural works were performed, in particular, lighting was installed on the Zolotonosha bypass road, new public transport stops and toilets were installed. A car park was also built on the border of Kyiv and Cherkasy oblasts.