Autostrada completes the construction of one of the largest objects - the 628-meter bridge on Desna near Chernihiv

Usually it takes several years just to design such objects. The Avtostrada project institute developed the bridge project in 5 months. Many technical decisions were made together by designers and builders directly during construction. Every detail has been thought out — from the glass panels on the lighting masts depicting the historical monuments of ancient Chernihiv to convenient traffic junctions, underpasses, bicycle paths, and passages for people with reduced mobility. Since the Desna is a navigable river with a high water level, we first needed to ensure the appropriate dimensions of the bridge in terms of width and height. Therefore, the 106-meter span over the river bed was made of metal without supports in the water. Autostrada specialists installed such spans in the riverbed using the push-in method. This is a complex and unique process - the elements of the metal structure were assembled and welded in advance on the assembly slipway. Pushing was carried out with the help of two powerful hydraulic jacks, which pushed the structures forward onto the already prepared supports. It is significant that the beams of the 106-meter span over the riverbed were made from the last pre-war batch of steel from the Azovstal metallurgical plant in Mariupol. We hope that we will build more than one object from the products of this legendary plant. During the construction of the spans of the bridge over the banks, the post-tensioning method was used. The technology of post-stressed concrete is widely used in the USA and the EU. The post-tensioned construction is more resistant to cracking, has less weight, is more durable and more aesthetic. Currently, our team is applying waterproofing to the roadway and preparing for the installation of husasphalt, which, unlike the traditional asphalt concrete mixture, has higher wear resistance, strength, is completely waterproof, so, accordingly, it will last much longer. At the same time, we are asphalting the approach roads to the bridge, putting a curb stone. We also carry out traffic safety works — we install handrails and barriers, install architectural lighting. Completion of works and start of traffic in the second phase is planned for October 15, 2024.