Autostrada has started works on the construction of the Yampil-Koseuts bridge, which will connect Ukraine with Moldova

Work on the construction site is carried out around the clock. 12 piles have already been drilled and concreted, which will be the foundation of future bridge piers (15 piles are needed for one support). Drilling is carried out with the help of specialized equipment that can work with the most difficult soils. These are two new powerful Bauer rigs with a drilling depth of up to 50 meters.
Also on the construction site, the installation of the recently acquired Liebherr concrete plant of the latest modification, with a production capacity of 113 m³ per hour, has been completed. The plant will meet the priority needs for quality concrete during the drilling phase and will continue to guarantee uninterrupted operation at the site throughout the year. Start-up and commissioning works are currently underway.
The company's Central Laboratory is involved in the work on the site. On the eve of the start of work, laboratory engineers together with independent specialized agencies conducted laboratory tests of test piles, which were successful. Currently, specialists control the quality of all stages of construction.
We are actively concentrating metal structures and related materials on the construction site. Thus, more than 2,500 tons of girder structures have already been manufactured.
The full-scale complex of construction works on the site will start in early spring with the onset of favorable weather conditions. We expect that during the peak period the project will involve about 500 employees and more than 100 units of special equipment.
We plan to complete the construction of the bridge in two years, as we had a delay in agreeing on the point of connection with the Moldovan side. So far, an agreement has been reached on this issue and a corresponding intergovernmental agreement will be signed in the nearest future.
The construction of the bridge will be based on the "design-and-build" principle, which includes the development of design documentation for the object, on which a strong team of designers worked. The solutions provide the most modern methods and technologies of work. First of all, in the construction of an almost 700-meter overpass across the Dniester.
The project is the part of “Velyke Bydivnytstvo” program.
The Yampil Bridge will run across the Dniester River, the length of the building will reach 1409 meters, and the maximum height of the supports (there will be twenty-four) - 50 meters, which is ten meters above the standard 12-storey building.
The bridge over the Dniester River on the Ukrainian-Moldovan state border will be an important object in the road network of Ukraine. The implementation of this project will create a road transport corridor, which will be the fastest route from the central region of Ukraine to Central and South-Eastern Europe.
It is also planned to build a modern joint checkpoint.
In 2021, the Avtostrada Group of Companies carried out all the necessary preparatory work to begin major work. We have resolved the issue of purchase of private land plots, hazelnut, agreed on a number of other legal issues. Also, two access roads and relevant construction sites were prepared.