Avtostrada has received «crВBB» credit ranking and insurance coverage from Euler Hermes

The Avtostrada group of companies received the highest possible credit rating in Ukraine, "crBBB" from the information rating agency Credo Line and insurance coverage from Euler Hermes to purchase specialized equipment Wirtgen.
The company will expand its fleet of high-tech specialized road construction equipment from one of the world's best manufacturers, Wirtgen, and purchase an additional 60 units. The guarantor of this agreement was the leader of the international market of export credit and investment insurance - the company Euler Hermes. Obtaining insurance coverage from the German agency Euler Hermes became possible after a detailed analysis of the Group of Companies' legal and financial documents and confirmation of the high level of creditworthiness and financial stability - at the level of "crBBB" from the agency Credo Line. It is the highest credit rating that cannot be higher than the country's sovereign rating.
Credo Line information and rating agency strategically cooperates with all major global credit rating agencies (ECAs) and export companies, international and Ukrainian banks, factoring companies, and other international financial institutions. In rating assessment, key indicators were analyzed: financial opportunities, assets availability, credit load, transparency of doing business. The economic situation in the country and the industry were also examined.
"Receiving the highest credit rating and insurance coverage from Euler Hermes is another confirmation of the Autostrada status as a reliable and stable partner. In times of pandemic and unstable economic situation, such a decision of the German agency shows the level of trust not only to the company but also to the country," commented Maksym Shkil, chairman of MS|Capital.
The Avtostrada group of companies creates quality roads thanks to a professional team and modern special equipment. "Our focus is innovation. We are constantly improving technologies, updating the fleet. Our plants and production facilities are premium construction sites of the latest generations. So we are ready to implement the largest projects," said the chairman of MS | Capital.